Smoking and it’s Impact on Your Health

You cannot buy a pack of cigarettes without seeing the warning lables, you cannot watch TV without hearing about it, you can’t claim to not understand the serious health issues that smoking will cause. No longer can people play the ignorance card when it comes to quitting smoking for their own health. Scientists, doctors and lawmakers all agree that smoking is killing people at an alarming rate. There are so many carcinogens and poisons in a cigarette that they are still trying to find all the negative effects of.

Back in the mid 1900’s people believed that smoking was fabulous, it was the ‘in’ thing to do and there were no negative effects. By 2000 it was common knowledge that cancer, bronchitis, gangrene, heart-disease, heart attacks and a lowered immune system could all be cause by just being a smoker. You don’t have to smoke a whole pack a day, your just as at-risk as the person who smokes 3 packs a day. Your body is constantly battling the poisons in cigarettes, which means it’s wasting energy at all times trying to stave off your addiction.

If you stop smoking right now you will live longer, thats a fact. Every cigarette you smoke reduces your life expectancy. If you don’t know why to quit smoking, or think that if you stop smoking the withdrawals will be bad, look at the longer-termed effects if you continue to smoke. Think about the hundreds of thousands of people a year who are diagnosed with cancer just from cigarettes. There are many ways to quit smoking, there is a way that is right for you, you’ll simply have to keep trying to stop smoking until you find the method that works for you.

Below I’m going to just 10 of the illnesses, cancers and other health conditions that smoking can either directly cause, or secondarily increase the chances of you suffering in your lifetime.

  • Cancer

  • Heart Disease

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Gangrene

  • Heart Attacks

  • Slow Recovery Time From Injuries

  • Increased Respiratory Strain

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Fertility Problems

All of those are either directly caused from smoking, or their likelihood of occurring is greatly increased from smoking. If you wanting to stop smoking now, this should be your wake-up call. Your life is the most important thing to you, you should do everything you can to quit smoking, whether it be  cold turkey, or using a stop smoking aid, there are plenty of reasons to stop smoking merely for yourself. Make it a selfish decision, make it a life-extending and lifestyle improving change to better yourself and live a fuller, richer life.


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