Cellulite - Treatment Procedures

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perky_buttEdematous-fibrosclerotic panniculopathy is the medical terminology for cellulite.  Cellulite affects vastly more women then men.  Up to a whopping 90% of all post-adolescent women will suffer form this condition at some point in their lives.

What treatments procedures are currently available?


A non-surgical procedure that stimulates the breakdown of fat and cellulite. A machine applies gentle pressure and suction to the skin for about 40 minutes. These sessions are very affordable, but require multiple visits for ultimate satisfaction.


A new therapy from abroad that involves small injections of natural substances that break down fat and fibrous tissue that causes cellulite.


The direct removal of fatty tissue eliminates the characteristic bumps and dimples of cellulite.


This popular spa treatment is a fast way to reduce the appearance of cellulite. While it began as a medication for rheumatoid arthritis in France in 1979, this procedure combines electrodes, thermal clay, essential oils and algae to create smoother skin and fewer inches.

VelaSmooth ™

This painless procedure combines high frequency radiowaves, infrared light and deep tissue massage to energize fat and water to produce new collagen which results in smoother skin. This treatment is pending FDA approval for use in the United States.

Triactive Laser Dermology

Using a laser, massage, and cooling, this painless treatment attempts to improve the appearance of cellulite. While only available in 30 locations in the U.S., this procedure is rapidly gaining in popularity.


A specially designed needle is inserted under the skin to detach the fibrous bonds that cause cellulite. This treatment has been used for decades to relieve acne scars but has seen use in recent years in the battle against cellulite.


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