Nowadays, the sex life of the middle-aged generation is becoming more and more active. It is important to understand what are the risks attached to a more active sex life and understand that it's never too late to start protecting yourself. Safe sex is a subject that had not been extensively discussed in the youth of the middle-aged generation, but now is the time to discuss protection against STDs, with the apparition of Viagra, online dating and the popularization of divorce.
There is this popular belief among older men that condoms are not necessary after menopause or if they know the partner's history. The thing is there is no more valuable protection against every STDs than the use of condoms. The condom is not only a great item of protection against pregnancy, but also helps prevent the transfer of sexual diseases. Making sure you are aware of your newly found partner's sex history is a good way to be reassured concerning her health, but nothing will ever come up to the level of protection that a condom will bring you.
STDs are far from being what they used to be. There has been an increase of antibiotic-resistant diseases in the past few years. It is really important to practice safe sex, but it is also important to consult a doctor as regularly as possible to be ensured that you are still in good sexual health condition, as many STD's might not show, or show very-little symptoms, which doesn't mean the condition cannot be passed on! Common STD's are:
- Chlamydia
- Genital Herpes
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Genital warts
Looking up after yourself is also a good way to maintain your immune system at its best. Exercising, eating well, avoid cigarettes and large alcohol consumption are all different ways to maintain your body in good condition, which will boost your immune system and help you fight viruses you might get.
The best ways to protect yourself as a middle-aged man is to be educate yourself on the common types of STDs, so you really know how they are transmitted, what are the symptoms and how to treat them. Always carry condoms on you, you never known when you'll need one, so prevention is still to best way to be prepared. Regular check-up at a sexual health clinic are highly recommended. If you are having a regular partner, make sure she get's checked-up as well, you can never take too much precautions.
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