Fashion Newsflash!! Jeans with Fab Fit for "Curvy Girls": Cj By Cookie Johnson!!

The biggest thing I hear out in the fashion world is that women are screaming for a new pair of jeans that actually fit for women with curves, booty and even a body (meaning not a size 00).


Cookie Johnson,

Leave it to a smart “cookie” to figure out a way to create her perfect pair of jeans. That “cookie” is Cookie Johnson, wife of NBA legend and community philanthropist Magic Johnson. Cookie is now adding entrepreneur and clothing designer to her resume— having spent almost a decade in the world of fashion after graduating from Michigan State with a degree in Retailing of Clothing and Textiles before she became a full-time mom.


Trend-savvy and style conscious, Johnson despaired over the lack of premium denim for women with a figure like hers, fit…but curvy. “I couldn’t find jeans to fit my body type,” she explains. “It frustrated me to try on every pair in the store and leave with nothing.” It didn’t take long for Johnson to realize that her testimony was similar to other women’s. Cookie— being the creative sort— decided to create one.

Call it fashion kismet.

Johnson started her search for the perfect business partner at the top. A mutual friend introduced her to denim legend Michael Glasser, mastermind behind Seven for all Mankind, Citizens of Humanity and current owner of Rich & Skinny.


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