Lucy's weirdness

One of Lucy's favorite places to sneak into is the little flap of fabric the bloops down when the recliner chair is reclined. Since this is Hubby's favorite place to sit, Lucy usually climbs in there when he is sitting in the chair relaxing after dinner. Being a true "party animal" personality, Lucy is always up for a game of chase the feline flyer and this spot in the chair makes the game extra fun for her. I took these photos because Hubby can't ever see Lucy when she's in the chair.

These photos are further evidence why we think that Lucy isn't really a kitty cat. We think she's a cross between a squirrel, a weasel, and a meerkat. In other words, she's a "squeaselkat".

As I took the photos, Hubby swung the feline flyer around to entertain little Lucy. All the action attracted the attention of Lydia (who cannot stand Lucy one little bit). Amusingly, Lydia didn't realize that Lucy was right next to her in the chair or she never would have come that close.

And then Lydia finally did see who was perched by her shoulder. Talk about the "evil eye". Goodness! Lydia is NOT a fan of squeaselkats! Can you tell?


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