Celebrate Your Life

Birthdays are important days and they are healthy for you. They mark the special event when you were born into this world. They should be a celebration of your life!

This post is in honour of my good friend, Emmanuel Lopez (a.k.a. Motivatorman), who was born onto this crazy planet on this very day, 46 years ago. He is an amazing person and has brought much joy to more than just his family and friends.

Emmanuel is one of those rare people who have recognized his unique abilities and has shared them with the rest of the world. In the first part of his life, he built an incredibly successful career as an award-winning illustrator, telling stories and entertaining others through his colourful, juicy art.

Since then, Emmanuel has been motivating others through his passion for movies, helping us realize that we are heroes in our own, personal real-life movies. He is an inspirational speaker and blogger.

Here are 3 short videos which chronicle his talented, generous life so far:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMMANUEL! And thank you to the Powers That Be for sharing him with us!

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